24/7 pick up point for moving company
De Roeck, a moving company in Belgium recently decided it was time for some innovation and installed one of our Collibree Essential units.
De Roeck, a moving company in Belgium recently decided it was time for some innovation and installed one of our Collibree Essential units.
Our Collibree lockers, which are part of our more permanent outdoor locker solutions, crossed the border and are now also used in la douce France.
Brico (a large DIY chain) decided to install our Collibree lockers to enhance the Click & Collect experience of their store.
Bedrijven uit de retailsector hebben het zwaar gehad in het voorbije jaar. Ze moesten het hoofd bieden aan een ernstige gezondheidscrisis en zagen hun inkomsten slinken. Slimme lockers bieden een antwoord op de vraag naar meer bereikbaarheid en zorgen bovendien dat handelaar kunnen uitblinken in service.
A system where a consumer can shop for his groceries from his couch and pick it up when he wants
Last week, we got to install another Collibree outdoor locker kiosk